Deep in the Hundred Acre wood.....

pics of my peeps...

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the shadow to see bigger...

Who is that lurking in the darkness? Is it the shadow? No it's ...PJ?

grant and dayna and nicole...arnt they so cuuuuute

I got tired of writing just deal with it, it wont kill ya...

Mal on the bridge

Here's Mal sittin on the bridge outside our school.

me and heather doing...something...idunno

Here's a pic of me and Heather doing something...i can't remember what...itwaz a long time ago...i dunno...leave me alone

Josh and Mike showing off their kewl belts

My guitar playin, kewl belt ownin, Burger King crown wearin hommeez.  Remember guys, when we had soccer practice at wendys?  Good times...

josh and mal...ya

Look! it's Josh and mal (another josh?! dang) arnt they so cute (yes he does have a broken finger, that's twice he's broken his thumb...josh, josh, josh...)

fun with prewrap during spirit week...classic hehe

The senior class girls

The girls in my class are leaving for our senior retreat weekend (yes it's ALL the girls in my class...i go to a very small school).

the senior girls on pajama/crazy hair day...

Here's the senior girls during spirit week.  Pajama/crazy hair day is the best...

our senior trip in fla...

We went on the Aerosmith rollercoaster in disneyworld...then tried on the wigs in the gift shop...i like that color on me...maybe i should dye it that way...

magnatron man!

"Ok you are magnetron man...and you are the metal attracted to her...and you two are innocent bistanders..."  that's all i need say.

Josh in Washington

I'm sorry josh, you're not really taller than the washington monument (or is that the pentegon?).